It's been 6 weeks now of lockdown here in Piedmont, Italy. There have been some negative things but overall nothing to complain about. We feel so sorry for those that have lost loved ones. We're well aware the suffering has been huge, and of the sacrifice the people that make our brilliant health service here. We have many friends working in hospitals and they have done an extraordinary job - many paying the ultimate price..
A British politician right at the start said it's a lockdown, not a holiday. I thought that was good point so set about building this brand new website for Langhe Property. It's been mostly tedious with lots of copy and pasting and checking and rechecking, photo editing, etc but we love the result. We hope you do too. Please let me know of any errors you spot!
We're still not sure when the lockdown is going to end but we hope you come to see us and visit some houses when it's behind us. The local market was so strong before the crisis so we hope we can make the best of it when we're out of this bad situation.
Italy has suffered badly, especially Lombardia. The region has had five times more deaths than Piedmont. But it will bounce back. We hope it won't return to normal as normal wasn't good enough. We all have to take a long look at ourselves to see how we can improve.