I hope you had the chance to see our latest video - The Langhe Finally Revealed! You can find it here: https://youtu.be/ynmgK1eOMLM
This was nice to do, a beautiful book by the lovely Rosalinde about the Langhe area. Essential reading if you're planning to visit the region. It had been almost a year since I last did a video. Work gets so busy, there hardly seems time for life in between! But I love making videos and have a lot of ideas. This interview was set up and the date made, but we were nowhere near ready... my office is too small for a two-person interview and clearly, I need a diet :-( OK, I'm on a diet, I promise!
Oh well,. It's just too much work to set up lights, cameras and audio every time I need it. It led me to commandeer another room in the house we rarely use and convert it into a proper, dedicated studio. Work is underway on acoustic absorption, audio and camera set-up, as well as lights and decoration. In another couple of days and it will be done THEN I will be making a lot more videos. I have a ton of subjects listed that I want to get through and I think you will find them all useful if you're buying or selling a home in the region. If you have an interesting project or business in the area get in touch if you'd like an interview on my channel.
I'd love your support so if you can visit my channel and subscribe, that would be much appreciated!
My channel is Langhe Property - https://youtu.be/5ZAL48tnGLA
We're also setting up for producing high-quality videos of homes for sale so you can be more decisive about what you want to view. Watch this space!
AND I have some amazing properties coming in - even an incredible castle!! Be sure to download my App so you get notified when new things come in.
Many thanks!
Richard Edwards